Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Just a random thought no.16.

Three months have gone by since I last put finger to keyboard. You may recall that I had been laid up with a broken leg: that is all now resolved. Work has been slack: not surprising, as GB plc is on holiday at this time of year, and the new registrations now start on September 1. Next week will be busy, I'm sure, but for the moment I am wondering how to make ends meet. Since my last post, I have been to several weddings at church, and taken photos at them all. I can now call myself semi-professional as a photographer, as I have been paid for some taken at one of them. I'm still taking photos for the pure pleasure of it, including a batch taken in Leamington on a Flickrmeet a week last Sunday: it ended up here Canon4159.

I also went for a stroll round Solihull yesterday (Monday 22 August), and went into St Alphege's Church, I think for the first time in my life. The digital photos are likewise already on Flickr, but are not particularly of general interest, as they are all of buses. The views of the town I took on a recently-, and cheaply-, acquired Minolta Vectis S1 APS SLR. I've taken five films on it so far, and considering the film stock used has been several years out of date, the four films processed so far have given more than satisfactory results. A sample can be found here 110001">.
Also in use at the moment, as well as the Canon DSLR and compact is a Praktica BMS for which I bought (for a tenner) a brand-new boxed Vivitar 28-70 zoom lens: I'm currently running a b+w film through that, the first images having been taken on one of the vicar's summer evening canal walks earlier in the month. Amongst all this my nephew, Andrew, has taken a first in Natural Sciences from Cambridge, and my niece, Charlotte, has taken straight As at 'A' level, and is embarking on a gap year before reading medicine. She applied for a place to start this September, but was unsuccessful.

Whether I continue with the vehicle delivery must remain a moot point. I should like to make my living behind the lens. We shall see.